Flight Cancellation Compensation for Business Travelers

Traveling for business has a unique feel to it. Most times, being at an airport means you are looking forward to personal time, relaxation, and vacation. That isn’t the case when you are traveling for work.

Nonetheless, issues can arise and flights can be delayed and eventually cancelled. When these types of situations present themselves, you need to be ready to file a flight cancellation compensation claim.

Traveling as a conduit for your employer can complicate these situations. Below, we explore what makes flight delay or cancellation compensation claims different when traveling for work, compared to traveling for pleasure.

EU Flight Cancellation Compensation Claims Explained: Business Trips

Passengers in the EU claimed a major victory in 2004 when European Passenger Rights Regulation EC 261 was passed.

The law establishes a set of guidelines for situations in which airlines owe passengers compensation when a flight is cancelled or delayed . Depending on the circumstances, passengers are owed up to 600€ of compensation from the airline they are traveling with.

You might be thinking that claiming flight delay compensation for a business trip might be a little more difficult when compared to personal travel. However, you are going to be in a similar position. The situation doesn’t really change much. It’s important to consider who is being inconvenienced. Remember, EU 261/2004 is a law to protect consumers.

What is the Compensation Claim Process Like?

At the end of the day, the claim process doesn’t change all that much. Any flight cancellation compensation claim must be made in accordance with EU Regulation 261/2004.

Whoever booked the flight and paid for the ticket is trumped by who took the flight. That means the passenger who deals with the flight cancellation must file for compensation.

With that in mind, it’s not reasonable to expect a smoother claims process just because you were traveling as a representative of your company. That leads to the next question, which is, who collects the compensation when it’s paid out?

Who Will Collect The Compensation?

Answering this question is a little tricky. Companies are not eligible for compensation, passengers are, but there are layers to consider.

Technically speaking, you are entitled to collect compensation for your flight cancellation. When the law was put in place, it was enacted to protect passengers and provide a path to flight cancellation compensation in the EU .

After all, you, the passenger, are the one dealing with the severe inconvenience of a flight delay or cancellation. It’s not for us to decide how the money is disbursed. TravelRefund is mainly focused on getting you the most out of your flight cancellation compensation claim, in the shortest possible time frame.

That’s not to say that there aren’t circumstances where your employer will expect to collect any compensation from a successful claim. Whether or not you have to then turn over any compensation payout to your employer will likely be established in your employment contract, so be aware of your situation because everybody faces unique circumstances.

How Can You Make the Claim Process Easier?

Informing passengers of their rights is step one. Asserting your rights comes next.

Being prepared for a flight delay or cancellation is nearly impossible. If you are concerned or curious about the role your company will play in this process, communication will carry you.

Gearing up for a flight cancellation compensation claim is about more than gathering the necessary paperwork. It will also require the maneuvering through certain hoops. In this case, your employer is one worth checking with. When the situation does arise, it’s important to file an official claim with the airline who you booked through as soon as possible.

Filing a claim for flight delay compensation could be uncharted waters for you. There could be a legal battle down the road, and we know how daunting they can be when going up against a major airline.

If you are looking to simplify the process and you choose to go with a private lawyer, the costs can add up. Trust us, the f light cancellation compensation claim process can be lengthy when the airlines successfully deploy their favorite tactics. Beyond going with private representation, TravelRefund offers services on a no cure, no pay basis which, ultimately, will be more affordable.

Filing a Compensation Claim With TravelRefund

By involving the professionals from TravelRefund, airlines won’t be able to call on some of their favorite delay tactics. Our lawyers will be focused on pushing your flight cancellation compensation claim forward, the right way.

Seeking out professional guidance will be a difference maker for your claim. There might be more to consider when your employer is involved, but it’s important to know that as the passenger, you are entitled to any compensation. The intent of EU 261/2004 is not to protect companies and corporations, it’s to protect the individual passenger. Whether they are traveling for business or pleasure makes no difference.

Flight Cancellation Compensation

As we previously mentioned, TravelRefund operates on a no cure, no pay basis. That means any case that goes to court won’t be a net loss when you work alongside us. If the case doesn’t end in victory, you will never get a bill from us. If we are sending you a bill of any sort it will be accompanied by a more substantial compensation payment. Either you collect compensation for your flight cancellation , or you walk away with no financial burden.

In our view, each successful case re-affirms the rights for any passenger who board an airplane set to take off or land within the EU. Flying with an airline headquartered in the EU is another qualifier for a compensation claim.

Bolstering the rights of passengers in the EU is the purpose behind our mission. We are always innovating our legal strategy, to continuously improve the process and bring our clients the flight delay or cancellation compensation that they deserve.

If you are interested in learning more about your options when filing a claim for your flight cancellation, fill out our online form and we will reach out to you!

Asta har fløjet med Norwegian Air Shuttle og har modtaget: 467 €

Cecilie har fløjet med EasyJet og har modtaget: 388 €

Bent har fløjet med KLM og har modtaget: 623 €

Tommy har fløjet med EasyJet og har modtaget: 623 €

Thea har fløjet med Ryanair og har modtaget: 383 €

Ida har fløjet med Ryanair og har modtaget: 383 €

Lars har fløjet med Ryanair og har modtaget: 383 €

Leif har fløjet med Norwegian Air Shuttle og har modtaget: 1.246 €

Henrik har fløjet med Ryanair og har modtaget: 958 €

Jákup har fløjet med British Airways og har modtaget: 388 €

Jan har fløjet med Scandinavian Airlines System og har modtaget: 623 €

Eva har fløjet med Norwegian Air Shuttle og har modtaget: 582 €

Anna Sofie har fløjet med Norwegian Air Shuttle og har modtaget: 194 €

Maja har fløjet med KLM og har modtaget: 623 €

Linda har fløjet med Norwegian Air Shuttle og har modtaget: 623 €